Saturday, June 25, 2005

W.A.I.T. A Minute

WAIT (Wilmette's Angry Ill-Informed Taxpayers) is the new anti-inclusive recreation organization that we need to fight! They have been passing out flyers around Wilmette. These flyers are full of lies. For example "it was announced that the board is planning to put a skateboard park in Wilmette" Now that would be nice, but they havent done that yet. I think the board has made it very clear that this is a consideration not something that they will do for sure. If they were guarranteed to do it, we wouldnt still be fighting. These guys are ill-informed. We need to meet them head on. Monday, June 27th, at 7:00pm at the village hall! the first of two public hearings on the skatepark. Also, write letters to the wilmette life. we have done it, and so have they, but we cannot let their letters drown out ours.


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